Design Philosophy
Garry Roberts Architecture is a “design oriented” architectural practice centered in the belief that clear vision is the key to solving design problems. This “clear vision” comes from listening to the client and understanding the design constraints specific to each project.
The “listening” involves client interviews, development of a project program and spatial relationships and finally collaboration with the various user groups of a project. This process can range from one-on-one meetings with the client for a proposed residence to community workshops for a proposed neighborhood facility.
“Understanding” comes from “listening” carefully and grows from knowledge of the various constraints that will inform or regulate a project's development. This can include an innate understanding of the site and environmental infrastructure requirements, governmental regulations and the practical requirements of each project program.
Ultimately, we believe an architect is a “problem solver” who interprets what they see and hear into a unique vision that will take the client beyond their imagination to a place where commodity, utility and delight can coexist as architecture.
Firm Philosophy
We are a new era form of architectural practice centered to return to a close one-on-one relationship between the design principal of the firm and the client. The recent emergence of the ability to form a close network of production and engineering professionals on a project allows for the elimination of the traditional tiered system of architectural project management where the design principle is substituted by the “project manager”.
The strength of a design solution comes from this one-on-one relationship where the principal of the firm is doing the listening,
understanding and project organization.